Abstract Submission

The 2-page abstract should include an introductory section with a brief overview of the topic. The technical parts should be reduced to a minimum (rather refer to scientific papers).

In order to prepare your two-page abstract please download the Downloadconference macro (ZIP, 256 KB) / Downloadstyles (TGZ, 62 KB) and follow the instruction in the README.txt file and in the abstract.tex file.

Please do not include other libraries into your tex-file than the ones given above.

Please submit your abstract as .tex file with all figures and bibliography and additionally as .pdf document.


Check the Downloadbooklet 2016 (PDF, 4 MB) of the QSIT Junior Meeting 2016.


Please submit your abstract as .tex file (with all figures and references!) and .pdf document by .

Abstract submission deadline: April 30, 2017

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