Poster Session

  • When preparing your poster please be aware of the CSF award
  • There will be poster sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
  • To submit a poster please contact the

Submitted posters

Photon statistics of shot noise measured using a Josephson parametric amplifier

Jean Olivier Simoneau, Stéphane Virally, Christian Lupien, and Bertrand Reulet
Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

Cooling and amplification of a vacuum-trapped nanoparticle

Jan Gieseler1, Vijay Jain1, Martin Frimmer1, Loic Rondin1, Romain Quidant2, Christoph Dellago3, Lukas Novotny1
1: Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2: ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain
3: Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria

Photon-assisted shot noise in graphene for THz photo-detection

F.D. Parmentier, L. Serkovic-Loli, P. Roulleau, and D.C. Glattli
Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé, Saclay, France

Impedance and noise measurements of clean CNT quantum dots using GHz superconducting matching circuits

V. Ranjan1, T. Hasler1, M. Jung1, G. Puebla-Hellmann1, M. Muoth1, C. Hierold3, A. Wallraff2, and C. Schonenberger1
1: Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland
2: Department of Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
3: Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Exotic bound states in low dimensions: Majorana fermions and parafermions

Jelena Klinovaja
University of Basel, Switzerland

Quantized charge pumping and magnetic side gating in InAs nanowires

A. Baumgartner, S. d'Hollosy, G. Fábián, M. Jung, M.H. Madsen, J. Nygård, and C. Schönenberger
Institute of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland
Center for Quantum Devices and Nano-Science Center, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Single-spin manipulation in a double quantum dot in the field of a micromagnet

Stefano Chesi1, Ying-Dan Wang2, Jun Yoneda3, Tomohiro Otsuka3, Seigo Tarucha3, and Daniel Loss4
1: Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing, China
2: Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
3: Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan
4: Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Quality factors of one million in graphene based mechanical resonators

J. Güttinger, P. Weber, A. Noury, C. Lagoin, J. Moser, and A. Bachtold
ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain

Cold atom-semiconductor hybrid quantum system   

Lucas Béguin, Fei Ding, Aline Faber, Jan-Philipp Jahn, Andreas Jöckel, Tobias Kampschulte, Andreas Kuhlmann, Mathieu Munsch, Armando Rastelli, Nicolas Sangouard, Oliver G. Schmidt, Philipp Treutlein, and Richard J. Warburton
University of Basel, Switzerland
IFW Dresden, Germany
Johannes-Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Optical hyperpolarization of 13C nuclear spins in nanodiamond ensembles

Q. Chen, I. Schwarz, F. Jelezko, A. Retzker, and M.B. Plenio
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Ulm, Germany

Picosecond real-space imaging of hot electron spin diffusion in GaAs

T. Henn, L.W. Molenkamp, and W. Ossau
IBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
Department of Physics, University of Würzburg, Germany

Experimental realization of a Bose-Hubbard model with long-range interactions

Manuele Landini, Renate Landig, Lorenz Hruby, Nishant Dogra, Rafael Mottl, Ferdinand Brenneke, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Nonlinear optics with coupled polariton modes

S.R.K. Rodriguez, A. Amo, I. Sagnes, E. Galopin, A. Lemaitre and J. Bloch
Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, LPN/CNRS, Marcoussis, France

Probing wave function collapse models with a classically driven mechanical oscillator   

Melvyn Ho, Ambroise Lafont, Nicolas Sangouard, and Pavel Sekatski
University of Basel, Switzerland

Suppression of spin decay in a laterally confined two-dimensional electron gas

P. Altmann1, M. P. Walser1, C. Reichl2, W. Wegscheider2, and G. Salis1
1: IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland
2: ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Imaging non-Gaussian output fields produced by Josephson parametric amplifiers

D.M. Toyli1, A.V. Venkatramani1, S. Boutin2, A. Eddins1, A. Blais2, and I. Siddiqi1
1: Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory, UC Berkeley, US
2: Departement de Physique, Universite de Sherbrooke, Canada

Quantum synchronization of driven self-sustained oscillator

Christoph Bruder1, Andreas Nunnenkamp2, and Stefan Walter3
1: Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland
2: Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK
3: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Many body localized states coupled to a bath

Evert van Nieuwenburg, Oded Zilberberg, and Sebastian Huber
Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Quantum devices fabricated by hydrogen resist lithography

Nikola Pascher, Sigrun Köster, and Andreas Fuhrer
IBM Research Zurich-Rüschlikon, Switzerland

Observation of singlet-scattering channels in long-range Rydberg dimers

J. Deiglmayr, H. Sassmannshausen, and F. Merkt
ETH Zurich, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Zurich, Switzerland

Sustained temporal resistance oscillations in constrained geometries at the  nu 2/3 spin phase transition

S. Hennel, B. A. Bräm, S. Baer, L. Tiemann, C. Rössler, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, M. S. Rudner, and B. Rosenow
Solid State Physics Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Niels Bohr International Academy and Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig, Germany

Implementation of a quantum-limited microwave amplifier in the reversed dissipation regime of optomechanics

L. D. Toth, A. K. Feofanov, N. Bernier, C. Javerzac-Galy, and T. J. Kippenberg
Laboratoire de photonique et mesures quantiques, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland

Light-atom interaction at the 10,000 quanta level by bang-bang manipulation of motional states

J. Alonso, F. M. Leupold, Z. U. Solèr, M. Marinelli, and J. P. Home
Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Coherent control of a vacuum-trapped nanoparticle

Martin Frimmer and Lukas Novotny
Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Spin-coherent dot-cavity electronics

Clemens Rössler, David Oehri, Oded Zilberberg, Gianni Blatter, Matija Karalic, Jana Pijnenburg, Andrea Hofmann, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Christian Reichl, and Werner Wegscheider
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Towards hybrid circuit QED with spin qubits in quantum dots

A. Landig1, A. Stockklauser1, V. F. Maisi1, J. Basset2, K. Cujia1, C. Reichl1, W. Wegscheider1, T. Ihn1, A. Wallraff1, and K. Ensslin1
1: Department of Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2: Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, University Paris-Sud, France

Growth and characterization of InAs1-xSbx nanowires and InAs(Sb)/GaSb core-shell heterostructures

Heidi Potts, Martin Friedl, Gözde Tütüncüoglu, Federico Matteini, and Anna Fontcuberta i Morral
Laboratory for Semiconductor Materials, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland

Breakdown of the dipole approximation in strong coupling cavities

Camille Ndebeka-Bandou, Curdin Maissen, Giacomo Scalari, Mattias Beck, and Jérôme Faist
Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Two-mode squeezed states as Schrödinger-cat-like states

Enky Oudot, Pavel Sekatski, Florian Fröwis, and Nicolas Sangouard
Quantum Optics Theory Group, University of Basel, Switzerland

Progress and current status of the Potassium-Cesium cold atom experiment

Emil Kirilov, Michael Grobner, Phillip Wiemann, and Hans-Christoph Nagerl
Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Simulated Quantum Annealing   

B. Heim¹, T. F. Ronnow¹, S.V. Isakov², and M. Troyer¹
1: Theoretische Physik, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2: Google, Zurich, Switzerland

Exploring Ultrastrong Light-Matter Interaction with Superconducting Split Ring Resonators   

Curdin Maissen1, Giacomo Scalari1, Janine Keller1, Christian Reiche2, Werner Wegscheider2, Sara Cibella3, Roberto Leoni3, Mattias Beck1, and Jérôme Faist1
1: Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
2: Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
3: Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie, CNR, Rome, Italy

Designing a hybrid chip trap for studying low-temperature ion-atom dynamics

I. Rouse1, R. Schmied2, P. Treutlein2, and S. Willitsch1
1: Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland
2: Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland

Semiconductor nanowire-based superconducting qubits

K.D. Petersson, T.W. Larsen, L. Casparis, M. Olsen, F. Kuemmeth, T.S. Jespersen, P. Krogstrup, J. Nygård, and C.M. Marcus
Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Incompressible polaritons in a flat band

Matteo Biondi, Evert P. L. van Nieuwenburg, Gianni Blatter, Sebastian D. Huber, and Sebastian Schmidt
Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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